Diamond Tiara


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Update, update
2009-10-27 | 0 Diamond[s]
An update again...yay~
I haven't been lazy lately with blogging, aight?!lolers

Anyways, this update is a lame one (again)
I've found a thread on ygsecret21 about how the girls (2ne1) show what's inside their bag and i decided to adopt the idea ^___^.

So here it is..

#1. mp3 player (since i broke my handy dandy media player months ago, i borrowed my aunt's mp3 to satisfy my music need ^^); pen and sticky notes; and my school ID.

#2. comb; mirror; wet and dry tissue; sanitizer; hand lotion; Chapstick; and eyeliner

#3. medicine box; Fit 'n Right (or bottled water or whatever is available^^); and my trash (lolers)

#4. wallet and coin purse; Tam-tam (which is my loyal storage for my two flashdrives)

The contents of my bag doesn't always include those. It depends on the size of the bag I carry and the necessity of the stuffs i brought. But, atm, that's what's inside it coz I'll be needing those ( i think) when I go to school later for our enrollment.

Uhmmmmmm taht would be all...
Lols <£

Another Bonus picture:

Because I believe that 7-1=0