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"Why Nursing?" the Yoomi Koryan Version 2011-10-29 | 0 Diamond[s] Ms. Anna Tan is actually my inspiration in making this blog entry.A few weeks ago, my cousin's girlfriend, Alvie, shared a video through twitter to me. It was a Vlog actually of Ms. Anna Tan. Check it out below... After I watched it, I decided to make a blog response about it. My blog entry would somehow be like my version of her "Why Nursing" vlog. Hope you enjoy ^-^! P.S. I added some "reasons" btw~ Why Nursing?! 1. Best Uniforms... I can't really say it's the best coz i still think the uniforms of most Tourism students i have seen look so much better and cooler then ours. If i rank the different kinds of school uniforms, however, i would place ours on the no.2 spot. :) Our uniforms make us looks really neat and clean. One reason is because it's color is mostly white. Another is because we are not allowed to wear jewelries (except for a wristwatch with a second hand--and it's strap must be color white or black or gold or silver); no hair colors, and shoes must be shiny white (as in dapat pinahiran at pinakintaban ng kiwi na white). When i was in my 2nd year, i dyed my hair burgundy red. I knew the rules already but i was really fascinated of hair colors so i still dyed it, thinking i wouldn't get caught since we always put our hair into a bun wrapped with hair net. My aunt, which was one of my clinical instructors, however caught me and so i was forced to dye it to black again the next day T-T *boohoo~*. Aside from that i also think nursing students have the most number of uniforms. In my university, we have a total of 5 uniforms. ![]() A. The University Uniform This is worn everyday (except during Wednesdays and Saturdays) for 1st years. For 2nd, 3rd and 4th years, worn during the days of minor classes. This is Ate Jen and my Babo Sister, Dency I didnt have a pic of myself wearing this uniform so uploaded their pic instead. ![]() B. The CHN Uniform This, sort of, marks the beginning of having nursing subjects (2nd year). This is worn durig the days of major subjects, and during hospital exposures. Joji, I (in my CHN uniform) and Mikko. Joji was our 2nd year (1st sem) classmate. She was very close to us. But she transferred back to her old school during the 2nd sem of our 2nd year. She's a kpop fangirl like me btw :) C. The Scrub Suit Worn during hospital exposures specifically at the special areas like the ER, OR, DR, ICU, NICU, PICU and Hemodialysis Unit. I sometimes call this as the "ninja uniform" since we do look like ninjas when we wear the cap and mask that goes with this uniform. ![]() D. The Ward Uniform Worn during the Capping and Candle Lighting Ceremony during the beginning of 3rd year. This uniform is worn during duties at the ward. It comes with an apron which makes this uniform the "hottest" among all the nursing uniforms. Imagine having 4/5 layers of clothing on?! I look like a dork here. LOL. I took this photo from my soompi 411 since i cant find any old pictures of myself wearing my old ward uniform. ![]() E. The Gala Uniform Worn during the Pinning Ceremony on 4th year. The pinning ceremony is somewhat like the graduation day of the 4th year nursing students. 2. Learn People Skills... This is so true considering we handle lives of people. We deal with a lot of different people in different ages.We handle people from womb (pregnant mothers and their unborn child) to tomb (dead people). As you go along, you get to learn how to socialize to different kinds of people--may it be normal or not (mentally challenged ones). 3. Learn to be Punctual... This is one of the best traits you'll learn as you go along in nursing, because every second, minute and hour is precious. Not only because you handle lives but because you're afraid you'll get a punishment for being late :P. You see, in my school, if you're late for just a minute in your major class or hospital duty, for example, your clinical instructor will give you extension duties. 1 minute is equivalent to 4 hours of extension duties. Hassle right?! (Speakingof extension duties...) In my four years in nursing, i only got a total of 2 hours extension duties which is equivalent to a day of extension duty (since it's impossible to have a duty for only 2 hours in the hospital). Actually, i wouldnt have any extensions if it wasnt for my pencil. When the CI checked my paraphernalia, she found out that my pencil was not sharpened. It was sharpened however since it was placed inside my bag, the lead got broken. I got an hour extension for that. Another one was when she (the same CI) found out didnt have my nameplate on my scrub suit during the time she was checking my paraphernalia. I brought my nameplate with me when i went to the hospital but unfortunately i forgot to pin it on my scrub suit when i changed from my CHN uniform. So pabo of me. 4. The Real Rewards... No i am not talking about greener pasture here, although it's somehow true. The real rewards that im talking about here is simply the way your patients thanks you after every shift. Ms. Anna is right, it really is nice to hear and see the patients' gesture of saying how thankful they are to you. You would feel satisfied as much as you made them felt satisfied. 5. Appreciate the Beauty of Creation... When i was still a nursing student i did appreciate (still appreciate it until now) the beauty of God's creation--human being. It's really a wonder how each organs function well and compensate each other to make up a person. In nursing, you would be able to view some parts of the body may it be inside or outside, as part of your studies. Thereby you would be able to see how stuffs work inside and outside your body. During my years as a nursing student, i was able to see almost everything inside a person's stomach. The things i really wanna see the most that i havent seen yet are the lungs and heart. ---------------------------------------------- So that's it, my response to the question, "Why Nursing?" I know some answers were lame but i really hope you caught what im trying to say. I hope you enjoyed, Goodnight ^-^! |
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